Brittany Weidlich

Sharing Your Energy Solution

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For years in this business, simple duplication was the name of the game. One person bought a bundle, learned everything about using it, and immediately turned around and told a friend. We talked often of the unique, oil-infused supplement changing our health and energy - our Ningxia! There is no competition anywhere for the quality of our essential oils and supplements, and learning to consistently use them is truly a life-changing experience.

We're doing it again. This Energy Solution group will be incredible to experience, but it will only change your business if you get in there, use the Ningxia, share the Ningxia, and engage with your people over this opportunity.

We will work off of the foundational concepts we learned in our business challenge group through the Reboot, Spring Forward, and Summer Camp Biz Challenges. If you missed doing those with us, hop into that group now and start reading through the truth bombs there that will change your business quickly. Code to get in: SummerCamp24

We will begin inviting customers and prospects to join us in August and September for our Energy Solution. By thoroughly educating someone who buys a Ningxia Starter Bundle or Make a Shift: Reset Kit, we are engaging, enrolling, and activating longterm customers, not just those who are curious enough for a one-time order. By the time they finish seeing the countless ways drink our Ningxia and experiencing the changes to their mental and physical well-being, they're dropping those packets or bottles on their Loyalty orders for life. And that is the heart of a successful business. By running this challenge back to back, we will be able to bring customers in and then help them to share during the next round creating duplication.

For those who began with Thieves earlier this year, we we then added oils with our Stress Away solution, now Ningxia and supplements, and we've created an entire structure for a lifetime Young Living customer!

What is Your Energy Solution?

  • A Facebook community full of encouraging, real people who are seeing real results with mental health, stress, and physical solutions through oils.
  • Daily oil usage. Many have gotten away from consistently dropping and diffusing those oils!
  • Live videos with real stories of people who have found mental and physical healing through small, consistent changes in their lives.
  • A daily educational post that just might blow your mind as we learn about the home, our health, and the oils we use daily.

Why do we run these groups each month? Consistency is everything. We need focus. We have all the good intentions but our follow-up tends to struggle with everything going on in life. We want more for you and for your customers. We want an intentional life full of radical results. And we find that focusing on one thing at the time gets us those results!

What should I be doing to prepare? Start planning out the time each day you will focus on checking in and doing the tasks we're giving you each day. Get excited. Start a thread with your Customers or Prospects so you can walk this out with them. Join the Facebook group and turn your notifications on. Set calendar reminders. Treat this like an appointment or any other commitment you make - don't just hope you see the posts or remember to do it. Be the leader who cheers on your people, shows up, and lights a fire under everyone in the group. A rising tide raises all ships and as other leaders do the same, they will be encouraging your people!

How will this work? 1. Attached to this resource are graphics and assets that will help you begin getting the word out through text, email, messages, posts, mailings or other methods of sharing. We'll be sharing throughout the remainder of July so we're ready to begin on August 1 and then continuing to share so we can invite to round two in September! 2. Attached in the related resources is the Join Us for Your Energy Solution landing page that has all the information needed for you to copy the link and share with someone on your team, whether they have the Life Steps App or not. The landing page will link to the Ningxia Starter Bundle + Super B and your customers can purchase right from that link with your member number. Information about joining the FB group is there as well. 3. Make sure to check in with your August and then September Business Plans for tasks throughout the months related to this challenge!

How do I start sharing? Make sure you check out all the downloadable graphics and related resources for all the information and shareables you need! 1. Talk about your personal experiences with Ningxia and Super B and how they've benefited you. If you don't have your own experiences yet, use the pain points to discuss what you're hoping to gain by doing this challenge. 2. Share the reasons that supporting your physical health, reducing stress, and gaining energy are important to you and what it has felt like in the past to be without these tools. Paint a before and after picture. 3. Share your favorite Zooms from Resources on Ningxia, energy, and immune health, and let someone experienced do the talking for you! 4. Share about your excitement to have accountability and community around increasing energy levels during a busy season. 5. Invite them to contact you, click yes if interested, etc. Create a poll asking who needs more energy and less inflammation, and then message them asking if they would like to learn more. 6. Invite others to a Ningxia class. 7. If they request information and are a prospect, go to the Contact area of your app and create a new Prospect there. Begin the process of sending them information. 8. If they are a Customer, go to their contact in your app and start using resources to follow up with them.

What are some ways to get others interested in doing the challenge with me? Sharing your love for drinking Ningxia daily, this community, and your personal results will always be the most effective. Sharing the results others are seeing is also a valuable interest-building tool. We'll provide testimonies along the way perfect for sharing. We are seeing so much interest by simply going online each day and showing us using a product consistently and daily.

Why should I consistently participate in Challenges each month? If you think your results are great after a few weeks, imagine if you continue using Young Living products with this level of consistency! Your results will simply compound the longer you give your body this level of support. Plus, with each challenge you can invite more people to join you and participate in Young Living's generous referral bonuses and commissions as you share!

What if I have more questions? The group is going to be full of goodness that will keep your questions answered as we go, and we'll also have a place for questions in the Summer Camp group as we work on sharing this together!